Jerry Walker Memorial Scholarship
Did You Know?
If you have been an active After-School SERVE participant for 2 or more semesters, then you might be eligible to receive a scholarship towards post-high school career development experiences.
After-School SERVE is a leadership/job training program of The Center for Whitley County Youth.
Examples of Career Development Experiences that may be eligible:
- Liberal arts, community, and technical colleges, or study programs
- Vocational school
- Certifications, credentials, trainings, and preparatory classes
- Other committee-approved, career-directed educational opportunities
Things to Know:
- You must complete an application through the Community Foundation of Whitley County website using the button below
- Award amounts will vary from year to year based on funds availability
- All career development experiences must be approved by scholarship committee to receive scholarship funds
- Scholarship funds will be paid directly to the educational institution and never to the "recipient"
- Relatives of any scholarship committee members are ineligible to apply
*This endowed fund is open to receive new gifts and all donations are tax-deductible. If you have a heart to encourage local young people to take some risk and strive towards a career path that otherwise might seem unattainable, then please contact the Community Foundation of Whitley County about this scholarship opportunity. To learn more about After-School SERVE, click here.
Who Was Jerry Walker?
Jerry Walker served on The Center’s Board of Directors for more than 6 years, and was a passionate volunteer, donor, and advocate for helping young people find hope and equipping them to thrive in life. The Jerry Walker Memorial Scholarship Fund, an endowed fund managed by the Community Foundation of Whitley County, was established in Jerry’s honor, to partner with Whitley County young people whom Jerry cared deeply about.